Singing Guide: Lauv ft. Julia Michaels

Singing Guide: Lauv ft. Julia Michaels

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How To Learn To Sing Like Lauv ft. Julia Michaels

Lauv and Julia Michaels have amazing voices that complement each other perfectly. Their song "There's No Way" showcases their unique vocal styles and harmonization. In this article, we'll break down their singing techniques, discuss practical tips to improve your vocal skills, and recommend resources from Singing Carrots to help you sing like Lauv and Julia Michaels.

Unique Vocal Techniques of Lauv and Julia Michaels

Lauv's voice and vocal range are quite impressive, as he effortlessly transitions between his chest and mixed voices. In "There's No Way," he sings in a whiny, falsetto voice, which adds a unique texture to the melody. Lauv also uses twang vocal technique in the song's chorus, which gives it a playful and upbeat tone.

Julia Michaels, on the other hand, has a distinctive voice with a raspy, husky tonality. In "There's No Way," she mostly sings in her mid-range, but also hits high notes with ease. Her unique style is her ability to add emotional depth to the lyrics of the song. Her voice perfectly complements Lauv's, leading to perfect harmonization.

Tips to Improve Vocal Skills

Here are some practical tips to improve your vocals, so you can sing like Lauv and Julia Michaels:

  1. Analyze your voice: Knowing your voice type, pitch accuracy, and vocal range can help you identify areas of strength and which areas require improvement. Use the vocal range test from Singing Carrots to identify your weak points.
  2. Breathing and support: Good breath support is essential for good vocalization, so learn to breathe correctly and incorporate breath support exercises, such as Farinelli Breathing, in your warm-up routine. The breathing basics and breath support articles from Singing Carrots can give you more detailed advice.
  3. Practice open mouth and throat singing: Opening your mouth and throat can prevent constriction and give your voice brightness and clarity. On Singing Carrots, you can read about why to open the mouth and throat while singing to learn more about this technique.
  4. Practice warm-ups: Use Singing Carrots Pitch Training to execute regular vocal warm-ups and improve your pitch accuracy. Start with humming and lip trills and slowly move to more complex exercises such as sustain vocal and glottal onset.
  5. Learn a song effectively: Practice your selected song in sections, learn the lyrics and melody, and listen to the original recording. Use Singing Carrots' article on how to learn a song effectively as a guide.
  6. Use the right posture: Good posture while singing is essential for better breathing and range. Practice standing straight and relaxed while singing to avoid tension. Utilize Singing Carrots' article on how posture affects your singing for detailed guidance.

Resources from Singing Carrots

To improve your singing skills, you can utilize various Singing Carrots resources mostly dedicated to vocal techniques like twang, vibrato techniques, chest voice, voice registers, mixed voices, and vocal breaks. Additionally, Singing Carrots’ search song feature can help you find the perfect song for your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Here are some of the most useful resources:

By following these tips and using relevant resources from Singing Carrots, you can improve your singing skills and learn to sing like Lauv ft. Julia Michaels. Remember to practice diligently and enjoy the learning process.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.